Saturday, October 31, 2009

Did You Know??

If everyone in the U.S. viewed and paid their bills online, we would save 16.5 million trees in just one year!Do you know your paper footprint? Calculate how many trees you could save by switching to paper-free communications for all your bills: Paper Footprint - Click Here

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Citizens' Property Insurance Corp. announces it will increase premiums by about 20% for properties with a replacement value over $10 million

Citizens' Property Insurance is the state not-for-profit insurance company in Florida. Citizens insures over 23,000 Community Associations in Florida and recently issued a Bulletin notifying of its intent to increase premiums for policies of properties valued in excess of $10 million. The increase may be by up to 20%.

Insurance premiums are almost always the largest line item in a community associations budget. Communities in Florida already dealing with large delinquencies, large expenses, increased govrernment fee's (fire, elevator, etc.), and bad debt need to take this into account when preparing their budget for 2010
If you are unsure if your community falls within this increase, please contact us.