A condo association is a miniature form of representative government. The board members are elected by the condominium unit owners (the membership) to run the association and to manage the condominium property. In most cases the board will need to hire a professionally licensed manager to assist in managing the Associations day to day activities. Condominium unit owners rely on the board to resolve community problems ranging from building maintenance to unruly residents.
Rules and Covenants
The first priority for a condo board of directors is to carry out its duties in accordance with state law and the governing documents of the condo association. Directors are also responsible for enforcing the governing documents, the community rules, and doing so uniformly and fairly, including obeying the same rules themselves. This responsibility requires the directors to review complaints, reports from management, and decide if the rules have been violated. The Board (or a committee appointed by the Board) may choose to impose fines on owners who have broken the rules. In the course of business, it may also become necessary to change or revise the association rules, doing so is also the board's responsibility. Beyond the requirements specifically written into the law and the governing documents, directors also have a fiduciary responsibility to the Association and its membership. The board is obligated to always act in the best interests of the association.
Condo owners handle repairs on their own units, but it's the board's job to fix problems with the common areas, this includes the building's exterior, the hallways and amenities such as a pool or tennis court. The board must arrange for regular inspections and maintenance of such elements and, if major repairs or upgrades are necessary, the directors must set priorities for which problem needs fixing first. In most cases, the board will need to put projects out to bid, at which time the directors must review the bids and select the best one. Many associations hire a manager to deal with such issues.
It's up to the board of directors to handle the condo association's money. Every member of an association is assessed a fee which funds the associations’ day to day operations, such as maintenance, repairs, and administration. It's the directors' job to review and approve the annual budget and reserve schedule for the association. The directors must also take action against owners who don't pay their portion of the assessments; if an owner continues to refuse, the directors have an obligation to the other association members to take legal action against the non-paying unit owner.
As you can see, being on the board of directors of any condominium association takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and responsibility. The hiring of a professional manager will assist your board with many of the day to day activities of the association.